Es Cendol Dawet Mix rice flour with sago flour and pour some water in the mixture. Boil the rest of the water, add green pandan leaves and a little salt. Es Dawet or Indonesian cendol, is a typical Javanese dessert made from rice flour or glutinous rice flour, served with shaved ice, brown sugar and coconut milk.

Bahan Membuat Es Cendol Dawet

  1. It's 130 gr of tepung beras.
  2. It's 2 sdm of tepung sagu.
  3. Prepare 650 ml of air.
  4. Prepare Secukupnya of pasta pandan.
  5. It's 1/2 sdt of garam.
  6. It's of Es batu.
  7. Prepare Plastik of segitiga.
  8. It's of Bahan gula merah:.
  9. It's 500 gr of gula merah.
  10. You need 400 ml of air.
  11. It's of Bahan santan :.
  12. Prepare 150 ml of santan kara.
  13. You need 250 ml of air.
  14. It's 1/2 sdt of garam.
  15. Prepare 1 sdt of vanili.

Langkah Memasak Es Cendol Dawet

  1. Campur, tepung beras, sagu, air, pasta pandan dan garam didalam panci teflon.
  2. Setelah matang, masukkan ke dalam plastik segitiga, dan di lubangi kecil saja..
  3. Siapkan tempat di isi air matang dan es batu, lalu pencet2 plastik segitiga.
  4. Bahan gula merah, campur semua bahan gula, masak hingga matang.
  5. Bahan santan, campur semua bahan santan, masak hingga matang.

Dari sekian jenis olahan minuman, es dawet dan es cendol memang terbilang masih eksis hingga sekarang meski terbilang minuman 'jadul'. Basic ingredients of es cendol are basically the cendol (also called dawet in some part of Java), green-colored worm-shaped jelly made from rice flour, coconut milk, melted palm sugar and daun pandan for the green color. Es cendol maupun es dawet dikenal dengan bentuknya yang memanjang. Ternyata untuk membentuk seperti itu, melewati proses pembuatan yang berbeda. Untuk es cendol, adonan dari tepung hunkwe.

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