Cendol Cendol is a traditional dessert originating from ASEAN Region. The dessert's basic ingredients are coconut milk, a worm-like jelly made from rice flour with green food coloring (usually derived from the. Cendol /ˈtʃɛndɒl/ is a traditional dessert originating from Southeast Asia which is popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and Burma.

Bahan Membuat Cendol

  1. You need 140 gram of tepung beras.
  2. It's 10 gram of tepung kanji.
  3. You need 1 sdt of garam.
  4. It's 2 gelas of air.
  5. You need of Pasta pandan/Daun suji.
  6. It's of Santan.
  7. It's 3 gelas of air.
  8. Prepare 1 of dus santan kemasan.
  9. It's 1 sdm of garam.
  10. It's of Kinca.
  11. It's 1 gelas of air.
  12. It's 10 gandu of gula merah.

Langkah Memasak Cendol

  1. Cendol:Campur semua bahan, aduk merata di dlm panci. Masak di atas api kecil, sambil terus diaduk. Tunggu sampai Adonan menggumpal..
  2. Siapkan baskom berisi air es. cetak adonan. Saya menggunakan saringan minyak. Simpan adonan di atas saringan minyak, tekan2 pakai spatula. Tadah dengan wadah berisi air es..
  3. Santan : panaskan air, masukan santan, garam, dan daun pandan. Didihkan..
  4. Kinca: didihkan air, masukan gula.Tunggu sampai gula mencair..

Cendol is typically served with ice, and developed when ice became readily available. In Javanese tradition, dawet or cendol is a part of traditional Javanese wedding ceremony. Find cendol stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. Lihat juga resep Cendol sagu enak lainnya.

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