The Sour Cherry Strudel at Ruszwurm Cukrászda is one of many desserts available at Budapest cafes. This dessert was a revelation, and was hands down the best sweet we ate in Budapest. Chimney Cakes are made from a sweet dough that is rolled out onto a wooden roller, then rolled in sugar, then. "The Grand Budapest Hotel" broke box-office records in its opening weekend, and now you can recreate a key part of the film in your own oven.
Bahan Membuat Budapest dessert box
- Prepare 200 gr of putih telur.
- It's 200 gr of gula pasir.
- Prepare 1/4 sdt of garam.
- It's 3 sdm of custard powder.
- It's 3 sdm of almond powder (me : maizena).
- You need secukupnya of Vanilla bubuk.
- You need slice of Almond.
- Prepare of Whippycream kocok.
Langkah Memasak Budapest dessert box
- Kocok / mixer putih telur masukkan gula dlm 3tahap ya,biar putelnya ga ngambek,masukkan garam.
- Mix dg kecepatan tinggi,hingga putih telur mengembang,kental & berjejak.
- Masukkan bahan tepung & vanilla,taburi atas dg almond slice, oven -/+ 30mnt,hingga kecoklatan.
- Sesuaikan oven masing" ya,atau dites tusuk bila kurang yakin matangnya..
- Bila sdh matang& masih panas lekas balik diloyang kosong,taburi atasx dg gula halus biar ga lengket,hias dg whippycream & jeruk mandarin / sunkis ketika dingin.
- Simpan dikulkas dl,sajikan disaat dingin lebih nikmaaaat,ok done ya moms semoga bermanfaat🌷.
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