Budapest-roll with licorice filling and raspberries. Strawberry Budapest Roll Cake - Recipe Link in Bio above 👉🏼 @bakedbyammna ! BUDAPEST ROLL CAKE/ MERINGUE SWISS ROLL with PISTACHIO CREAM
Bahan Membuat Budapest Roll Cake
- Prepare 100 gram of putih telur.
- It's 100 gram of gula pasir.
- You need 15 gram of custard powder.
- It's 15 gram of tepung almond.
- Prepare 2 sdm of almond slice, untuk taburan.
- It's of Bahan isian :.
- You need 75 gram of whipped cream bubuk.
- It's 150 ml of air es.
- You need 1 buah of kiwi, potong².
- You need 7 buah of strawberry, potong².
Langkah Memasak Budapest Roll Cake
- Buat isian : mixer whipped cream dan air es hingga mengembang. Sisihkan. Simpan dlm chiller. Potong² buah sesuai selera. Sisihkan..
- Kocok putih telur, masukkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dimixer hingga softpeak mengkilat..
- Campur custard powder (bisa diganti maizena) dan teping almond hingga rata. Tuang dalam adonan putih telur. Mixer dg kecapatan rendah, cukup hingga rata saja..
- Tuang dalam loyang 22 cmyang sudah dialasi kertas bakar, ratakan. Taburi dengan almond slice..
- Oven dengan suhu 170°C hingga matang kuning kecoklatan. (Kurleb 20-25 menit). Nanti kue akan mengembang, tapi saat diturinkan akan kempis lagi, tak apa,itu wajar. Diamkan sejenak hingga uap panasnya hilang..
- Balik di atas kertas bakar, olesi permukaan dg whipped cream. Taburi dengan buah..
- Gulung, masukkan dalam frezzer minimal 1 jam supaya set sebelum di potong. Sajikan..
This classic Budapest roll recipe from Manuela Kjeilen is a delicious meringue hazelnut roll filled Place the long side of the cake in front of you and start rolling it. I find using the parchment paper and. If you're a fan of Yule logs and pumpkin rolls, taste my Swedish specialty made from hazelnut meringue. People are in awe every time I bring it somewhere. Smash Budapest roll Budapest Roll filled with whipped cream, sliced bananas and smash.
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