Budapest (Hungarian pronunciation approximates to "boo-dah-pesht") is the capital city of Hungary. With a unique, youthful atmosphere, a world-class classical music scene as well as a pulsating night life increasingly appreciated among European youth and, last but not least. Венгрия. Будапешт. Budapest is the capital city of Hungary.
Bahan Membuat Budapest
- It's 200 grm of putih telur.
- Prepare 200 grm of gula halus.
- You need 30 grm of maizena (klau ada tepung custard boleh ya).
- Prepare 1 sdt of pasta vanilla.
- It's of Topping.
- It's secukupnya of almond.
- Prepare of Whipping cream (50 grm bubuk WC +100ml air es).
- It's of Jeruk kalengan atau boleh buah² yg disuka.
Langkah Memasak Budapest
- Kocok putih telur hingga berbusa.
- Masukan gula halus sedikit demi sedikit.
- Mixer sampai soft peak (jika di jatuhkan dr wadah ga jatuh ya).
- Jika sudah soft peak masukan tepung maizena(tepung custard) sedikit demi sedikit gantian berikan pasta vanillanya.
- Masukan adonan ke loyang ukuran 30*25 kemudian taburin dg almond.
- Oven dg suhu 180° C selama 30 menit (sesuaikan dg oven masing²).
- Cake nya bakalan ngembang banget ya... jd ga usa bingung tp nanti klau uda keluar dr oven bakalan kempes.
- Setelah keluar dr oven dan kempes (saya potong jd 2 dan sisi yg bawah saya olesin dg WC dan di tata jeruk).
- Bagian atasnya jangan lupa di taburin gula donat (klau ga suka manis bisa di skip ya).
Posts in Hungarian are obviously allowed, but Budapest has a significant foreign student population, so the language defaults to English. Budapest is the capital city of Hungary. With a unique, youthful atmosphere, world-class classical music scene, a pulsating nightlife increasingly appreciated among European youth.. Budapest bistro pub has opened in Budapest. With a unique panoramic view and the Danube air, it is a special experience for Budapest natives.
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