Budapest (Hungarian pronunciation approximates to "boo-dah-pesht") is the capital city of Hungary. With a unique, youthful atmosphere, a world-class classical music scene as well as a pulsating night life increasingly appreciated among European youth and, last but not least. Венгрия. Будапешт. Budapest is the capital city of Hungary.
Bahan Membuat Budapest
- You need 6 btr of putih telur.
- It's 160 gr of gula pasir (resepnya 180 gr).
- It's 3 sdm of almond bubuk.
- It's 3 sdm of tepung custard (hercules).
- Prepare 200 gr of whippy cream.
- Prepare Secukupnya of air es.
- It's Secukupnya of almond slice.
- It's Secukupnya of keju parut.
- It's 1 kaleng of jeruk.
Langkah Memasak Budapest
- Siapkan mixer. Kocok telur dan gula pasir hingga mengembang, dan kental..
- Matikan mixer. Masukkan tepung custard aduk rata..
- Masukkan bubuk almond. Aduk rata..
- Siapkan loyang lebar. 28 x 28 (atau 30 x 30). Beri alas kertas roti. Olesi margarin..
- Tuang adonan. Taburi almond slice dan keju parut..
- Panggang dalam oven yg telah dipanaskan hingga matang..
- Sisihkan. Biarkan hingga uap panas sudah tidak ada..
- Sambil nunggu uapnya hilang, kocok whippy cream dengan air es. Saya tdk pernah nakar airnya. Karena air esnya saya tuang sedikit demi sedikit. Sampai whippy creamnya kental. (Konsistensinya mesti pas, jangan terlalu kental dan jangan encer ya bunda)..
- Bagi 2 kue. Olesi dengan whippy cream. Tata jeruk di atasnya lalu beri whippy lagi. Tutup dengan potongan kue yang satunya..
- Masukkan ke lemari es hingga set....dan...sajikan..
Posts in Hungarian are obviously allowed, but Budapest has a significant foreign student population, so the language defaults to English. Budapest is the capital city of Hungary. With a unique, youthful atmosphere, world-class classical music scene, a pulsating nightlife increasingly appreciated among European youth.. Budapest bistro pub has opened in Budapest. With a unique panoramic view and the Danube air, it is a special experience for Budapest natives.
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