Can be med lighter as a traditional juice or a bit thicker and more like a smoothie by adding puréed kiwi or banana. Spinach juice adds a burst of green to your daily routine. Juicing fresh spinach has become a popular way to enjoy this green veggie.
Bahan Membuat Spinach Broccoli Juice (Vegie Green)
- You need 1 ikat of bayam.
- It's 1 bonggol of brokoli.
- It's 2 sendok of air perasan lemon.
- Prepare secukupnya of madu.
Langkah Memasak Spinach Broccoli Juice (Vegie Green)
- Petik daun bauam lalu cuci bersih bayam dan brokoli menggunakan air mengalir.
- Lalu bilas dengan air hangat, supaya lebih bersih dan menghilangkan ulat di brokoli (kalau ada).
- Siapkan blender, lalu masukkan bayam dan brokoli tuangkan air sebanyak 600ml, lalu blender.
- Saring jus menggunakan saringan untuk menyisakan airnya saja.
- Lalu tambahkan perasan air lemon dan madu secukupnya.
Broccoli and spinach are loaded with detox agents, romaine calms the body, cilantro flushes heavy metals and other toxins, lime packs Vitamin We use romaine as a natural sedative in evening juices. It is cooling, but as it's inexpensive and available year-round, we include it in cleanses for every season. This delicious vegetable juice recipe is made with all veggies and a little lemon for a low-calorie, nutritious green juice! We can snack on fruits all day long but when it comes down to eating broccoli or kale, we struggle. Thanks for stopping by Spinach Juice, one of the healthiest websites on the internet.
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