Most relevant Best selling Latest uploads. Maxine is on a mission to obtain the great ringlet of Hope, a magical ring which will adorn her horn and keep it safe for ever. Find recipes, tips and advice on nutritional benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Bahan Membuat Rainbow juice
- You need of Merah.
- Prepare 1 Buah of naga ukuran kecil, yang kadang di tepi jalan 5ribuan.
- Prepare of Kuning.
- It's 2 buah of mangga matang yang manis.
- You need of hijau.
- It's 1 kuntum of brokoli, ambil mahkotanya saja.
- You need 1 buah of lemon, peras.
- It's secukupnya of air.
Langkah Memasak Rainbow juice
- Blender masing2 buah dan sayur sesuai warna menggubakan air sedikit saja. Biarkan kental sehingga tidak teecampur. Nagaku keenceran jadi gak peoporsional deh.. hehe.
As it begins to fill, the bucket gets up and start to move around. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet.
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