Layer sponge cake alias lapis surabaya ngirit Lapis Surabaya, Surabaya Layer Cake, Spiku Surabaya, Spikoe Surabaya ~ Livana. A blog by an Asian stay-at-home mum sharing recipes, travel experiences and thoughts on life. Sejak mengenal yang namanya matcha powder alias green tea bubuk s.

Bahan Membuat Layer sponge cake alias lapis surabaya ngirit

  1. Prepare 6 butir of telur.
  2. Prepare 130 gram of gula.
  3. It's 1/2 sdm of SP (emulsifier).
  4. You need 130 gram of terigu.
  5. You need 1/2 sdt of vanili bubuk.
  6. It's 40 gram of susu kental manis (sachet).
  7. You need 150 gram of margarin dilelehkan.
  8. Prepare 1 sdm of coklat bubuk.
  9. Prepare 1 sdm of pasta coklat.

Langkah Memasak Layer sponge cake alias lapis surabaya ngirit

  1. Siapkan oven 200°c dan 2 loyang 20x20cm yg dioles margarin & alas kertas.
  2. Mixer telur & gula speed tinggi sampai berbusa lalu masukkan SP. Kocok sampai pucat sekitar 10menit. Masukkan susu kental manis, kocok sebentar..
  3. Masukkan terigu & vanili kocok speed rendah asal rata sebentar saja..
  4. Tuangkan margarin cair lalu aduk balik..
  5. Bagi 2 adonan yang satu polos kuning, 1/2 adonan sisa diberi bubuk coklat & pasta. Oven 200°C selama 15 menit atau sesuaikan oven masing2. Tes tusuk..
  6. Oles salah satu permukaan cake dengan selai atau susu kental manis. Tumpuk dengan lapisan satunya..
  7. Enak, lumayan lembut dan terutama ngirit telur 😁 relatif aman buat yg jaga kolesterol.

It is a very rich cake with very high contents of eggs and butter. Making Kek Lapis is a very tedious job but it is worth the hard work when you see the beautiful layers of the cake. More so when we see our friends. Keep in mind that as you layer your lapis, the topmost layer will slowly inch towards the upper heat element. You may need to adjust the time / temperature At the end of making your lapis, if you notice that the inside of your lapis is uncooked, cover the top with aluminum foil and bake the entire cake.

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