Budapest cake What are the best and the worst Cakes in Budapest? Where to eat the best Cake in Budapest. The best traditional places that serve Cake, recommended by food professionals.

Bahan Membuat Budapest cake

  1. It's of Bahan:.
  2. Prepare 3 butir of putih telur.
  3. You need 1/8 sdt of garam.
  4. It's of Vanili.
  5. It's 100 gr of gula pasir.
  6. Prepare 1,5 SDM of tepung custard.
  7. You need 1,5 SDM of tepung maizena.
  8. It's slice of Almond.
  9. Prepare 100 gr of whipcream bubuk.
  10. It's 200 ml of air es dingin.
  11. You need Buah of strawberry secukupnya.
  12. It's Buah of kiwi secukupnya.
  13. You need of Gula tabur u hiasan.

Langkah Memasak Budapest cake

  1. Kocok putih telur dng speed sedang hingga berbusa,masukan gula pasir secara bertahap,kocok hingga soft peak..
  2. Setelah soft peak masukan garam vanili,masukan tepung custard powder dan tepung maizena,aduk rata perlahan saja.
  3. Tuang diloyang ukuran 22 cm yg sudah dialas dng baking paper,,,,ratakan. Taburi kacang almond slice,,, panggang dng suhu 175 derajat selama 25-30 menit sampai matang.
  4. Kocok whip Cream dan air es hingga smooth,,,,.
  5. Belah cake menjadi dua bagian,oles dng whipcream,tatabuah diatas ny,,,beri olesan whipcream lagi.
  6. Tutup dng cake yg satunya lagi,,,taburi dng gula bubuk. Simpan dikulkas hingga dingin.
  7. Sajikan.

Budapest Hungary Wedding Cake Desserts Food Pie Wedding Cake Tailgate Desserts Wedding Pie Table Dessert Postres. Budapest Cake Museum attraction travel guidebook, Budapest must-visit attractions. This dessert was a revelation, and was hands down the best sweet we ate in Budapest. Chimney Cakes are made from a sweet dough that is rolled out. In Budapest like any other big city has enormous quantity of Restaurants, Bars, and Tea houses.

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