Budapest Roll Cake (Strawberry) You must roll the cake into the towel immediately after turning it out of the pan to avoid having the cake break, as it is most malleable while still hot. Decorate the finished cake with colorful Valentine's Day sprinkles, strawberry sauce and a fresh sliced strawberry. Biasany Budapest Cake pake isian buah Mandarin orange, tp berhubung punyanya strawberry maka jadilah Budapest Roll Cake-nya varian strawberry.

Bahan Membuat Budapest Roll Cake (Strawberry)

  1. It's 160 gr of putih telur.
  2. Prepare Sejumput of garam.
  3. You need 1 sdm of air lemon (me: 1/2 sdt cream of tar2).
  4. Prepare 90 gr of gula pasir.
  5. You need 2 sdm of tepung almond.
  6. Prepare 2 sdm of tepung maizena.
  7. You need Secukupnya of pasta strawberry.
  8. It's of Bahan isian;.
  9. You need 90 gr of whip cream bubuk (sudah manis).
  10. It's 90 ml of air dingin.
  11. You need Secukupnya of buah strawberry, buang tangkainya dan bersihkan.
  12. It's of Bahan toping;.
  13. It's Secukupnya of almond slice/cincang.
  14. It's Secukupnya of gula donat utk dusting.

Langkah Memasak Budapest Roll Cake (Strawberry)

  1. Mixer whip cream bubuk dan air dingin hingga kaku; simpan terlebih dahulu dlm kulkas.
  2. Siapkan bahan cake. Dalam bowl lain, mixer dgn kecepatan tinggi putih telur, garam dan CoT hingga berbusa. Masukkan gula scr bertahap hingga adonan soft peak/creamy mengkilat. Lalu turunkan kec mixer, tuang tep almond dan maizena serta pasta strawberry, kocok rata.
  3. Tuang dalam loyang roll cake (me: uk 28x21x3) yang telah dialasi baking paper dan dioles tipis margarin. Ratakan adonan dan beri taburan. Panggang pada oven yg sudah preheat disuhu 160’ selama 25 menit pd api bawah. Lalu tambah 5 menit utk api atas bawah agar permukaan kering.
  4. Selagi hangat, lepaskan dr loyang, beri isian whip cream dan potongan buah strawberry. Gulung rapat, simpan dahulu dikulkas. Beri dusting, potong2 dan sajikan (ket gambar: whip cream dioles lagi sampai ke pinggiran cake yaa).
  5. Semoga bermanfaat ya, selamat mencoba 🙂.

The first Strawberry Short Cake Roll I made completely absorbed the whipped cream filling. This resulted in a very moist, yummy cake, but it didn't look so hot. To avoid this on my second attempt, I first spread a protective layer of jam on the sponge, then topped it with the cream filling (and then the. This classic Budapest roll recipe from Manuela Kjeilen is a delicious meringue hazelnut roll filled with whipped cream and mandarin oranges! Flip the cake upside down onto a new sheet of parchment paper.

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