It's most famous for its krémes, which is like a Vanilla Slice. This cake is essentially fresh cream between two layers of pastry. Blanketed in chocolate and split by a layer of whipped cream, Indiáners are delicious but a hassle to do.
Bahan Membuat Budapest cake
- Prepare 6 of putih telur.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam.
- Prepare 175 gr of gula kastor.
- You need 4 sdm of tepung custard (bisa di ganti maizena).
- You need of almond atau kenari atau kismis utk toping.
- You need 250 gr of whiping cream kocok hingga kaku utk olesan.
- Prepare of jeruk kalengan, atau strawberi utk taburan.
Langkah Memasak Budapest cake
- Kocok putih telur dan garam sampai berbusa, masukkan gula bertahap 3x, lalu masukkan tepung custard sambil di ayak, mixer sampai kaku, jgn over mix.
- Tuang pada loyang kotak uk.24, yg sdh di oles margarin tipis dan di tabur terigu.
- Oven pada suhu 180 darcel, yg sdh di panaskan terlebih dahulu pastinya, sampai matang, bagian atasnya kecoklatan.
- Setelah matang, keluarkan dr loyang, tunggu dingin dl, lalu potong jadi 2, oles 1 bagian dgn whiping cream atai butter cream (suka2 aja) susun strawberi atau jeruk, lalu tumpuk dgn sebagian cake tadi.
- Taburi gula halus, toping suka2, dan sajikan.
Place the mandarin slices e on top of the cream. The most famous Hungarian cake is, without any doubt, the Dobos cake, created by Dobos C. Franz Joseph and his beloved Sissy were among the first people to taste this invention of the Hungarian confectioner. Coffee & Tea, French $$ - $$$ "Best cakes ever.". Delicious Cake Delivery to Rejoice their Grand Celebration in Budapest Hungary.
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