Cookpad pertama 😅 Sebenernya sukses buat kue sus sih udah lama, jadi dulu tuh kalo ngebake. Try the cake at Hauer Cukrászda, a grand Budapest cafe where Hungarians have flocked for pastries for over a century. As well as traditional treats, Hauer's This is another cake to be sampled in one of Budapest's famous cafes.
Bahan Membuat Budapest cake anti gagal
- Prepare 3 butir of putih telur.
- It's 6 of sdmmaizena.
- It's 15 sdm of gula halus.
- You need of Kacang almond/kenari.
- Prepare of Whipcream.
- You need of Chery.
- You need of Jeruk.
Langkah Memasak Budapest cake anti gagal
- Mix putih telur dan gulahalus sampai soft peak.
- Tambahkan maizena...aduk dengan spatula atau sendok yaa sampai merata....
- Tuang ke dalam loyang yang sudah diolesi mentega dan di alasi kertas baking,, hiasi dengan almond.
- Oven dengan api kecil hingga kecoklatan...kemudian lepaskan dari kertas baking....
- Potong sesuai selera kemudian tambahkan whipcream dan jeruk(saya lagi gak ada buah)...abaikan whipcreamnya yang meleleh kemana mana yaa😆😆😆 efek baru selesai mix langsung pakai...simpan di frezer ya...biar lebih enak....
The cake layers are glutenfree, made from egg whites, almonds, and vanilla pudding powder, I filled the middle with whipped cream, mandarins oranges, and dusted the top with unsweetened cocoa powder and decorated it very simple with a marzipan rose, and leaves. This cake is so delicious, and perfect. Epti mardiana says We visited some of Budapest's classic "cukrászda" and recommend the one cake you must try at each one. We visited Budapest's legendary confectioneries and we tried one particularly famous or popular cake at each one. We have to say that while there is obvious skill and decades of experience.
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