Budapest (Hungarian pronunciation approximates to "boo-dah-pesht") is the capital city of Hungary.
With a unique, youthful atmosphere, a world-class classical music scene as well as a pulsating night life increasingly appreciated among European youth and, last but not least. ะะตะฝะณัะธั. ะัะดะฐะฟะตัั.
Budapest is the capital city of Hungary.
Bahan Membuat Budapest
- Prepare 6 buah of putih telur.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam.
- It's 180 gr of gula pasir.
- Prepare 3 sdm of tepung hercules.
- You need 3 sdm of almond bubuk.
- Prepare 100 gr of almond slice.
- It's 250 ml of whip cream cair.
- It's 1 kaleng of jeruk/kiwi/strawberry.
Langkah Memasak Budapest
- Panaskan oven 180 derajat...
- Kocok putih telur dan garam setelah setengah mengembang masukan gula pasir, kocok hingga glaze/mengkilat/kental bgt berjejak.
- Masukan tepung hercules dan almond bubuk, kocok asal tercampur dgn speed 1 saja.
- Siapkan loyang 30x30 yg sudah dialasi kertas roti yg dibawahnya sudah diberi margarin.. tuang diatas kertas roti tersebut.. panggang kurang lebih 30menit. Angkat..
- Keluarkan dr loyang biarkan dingin..
- Setelah dingin dibagi 2, sementara itu kocok whip cream hingga kental. Olesi setengah whip cream diatas satu sisis kue taburi dgn buah2an sesuai selera tp lebih enak jeruk sih ๐.. tutup lg dgn whipcream sisanya lalu tutup dgn sisi satu kue yg dipotong td.. masukan kulkas beberapa saat..sajikaan.. ๐ nb: pic saya buat 2 resep ya jd nanti tgl ditup sama kue yg tdk diberi apa2.
Posts in Hungarian are obviously allowed, but Budapest has a significant foreign student population, so the language defaults to English. Budapest is the capital city of Hungary. With a unique, youthful atmosphere, world-class classical music scene, a pulsating nightlife increasingly appreciated among European youth.. Budapest bistro pub has opened in Budapest. With a unique panoramic view and the Danube air, it is a special experience for Budapest natives.
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