Tres leches in box (milk bath cake) Tres Leches cake (or just "tres leches" for short) is a classic Mexican dessert. It's a light, vanilla sponge cake baked in the pan from which you serve it, saturated with a mixture of three milks: whole milk or half-and-half, sweetened condensed milk, and evaporated milk, then finally frosted with. Tres Leches Cake a must try Mexican dessert!

Bahan Membuat Tres leches in box (milk bath cake)

  1. You need of Cake:.
  2. It's 1 1/2 cup of tepung terigu (210 gr).
  3. Prepare 1 sdt of baking powder.
  4. It's 1/2 cup of mentega/ margarine (100 gr); me: grandtube.
  5. Prepare 3/4 cup of gula (170gr).
  6. Prepare 5 butir of telur.
  7. You need 1/2 sdt of vanila ekstrak.
  8. It's of Campuran susu:.
  9. You need 2 cup of susu cair fullcream (500ml) me:di*mond.
  10. You need 1 kaleng susu of evaporasi.
  11. You need 1/2 kaleng susu of kental manis.
  12. You need of Topping:.
  13. You need 200 gr of whipcream cair (me:ancor).
  14. It's 1 sdm of skm.
  15. Prepare sesuai selera of Kismis/cerry/keju.

Langkah Memasak Tres leches in box (milk bath cake)

  1. Kocok margarine dan gula hingga mengembang, tambahkan vanila.
  2. Kocok telur tambahkan kedalam adonan.
  3. Tambahkan campuran tepung dan baking powder, aduk hingga rata.
  4. Siapkan loyang tahan panas, olesi margarine dan tepung, tuang adonan (boleh pake almunium foil ya) adonan berisi 1/2 loyang. Hentakkan sekali biar rata.
  5. Panaskan oven, panggang selama 30-40 menit pada suhu 180 dercel hingga matang.
  6. Tusuk2 dengan garpu,Campur semua bahan SUSU (kalo gak suka manis SKMnya bisa dikurangi).
  7. Tuang susu ke cake (biarkan sampai susu terserap cake/kue).
  8. TOPPING Whipcream : kocok/mixer whipkrim bubuk +1sdm skm hingga kental.
  9. Hiasi cake dengan whipkrim dan kismis atau buahan sesuai selera..
  10. Simpan dikulkas, sajikan cake dingin lebih enak.

Pastel de Tres Leches or "Three Milks Cake" has become a traditional dessert all over Latin America. While the history of it's origins are not exactly known it is thought to come from Central America and its first known publishing was on the back of a Nestle. Bake a classic Mexican tres leches cake, sometimes called milk cake, for an afternoon treat or coffee morning - it gets its name from the three types of milk used. Add the flour, baking powder and milk to the egg yolks, and use a spatula to fold everything together. A light & delicate sponge cake soaked with Tres Leches (our house blend of condensed milk, evaporated milk, cream and a touch of brandy) finished with fresh whipped cream.

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